Friday, August 20, 2010

Hottest Woman Ever Topless

Phrases (4) Wednesday

A quick update I do not want to miss the Friday before sharing a sentence with you:)
The idea of \u200b\u200bthis section was to make myself the pictures .. some tricks in photoshop, some beautiful typography ... and the phrase would be great:) But I do not find time to do it! for when I remember it's Friday night and I have to do the entry uu Asique forgive me .. but today I bring you something I found in a Tumblr ...

"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

I loved the image and phrase is sooo true!
Many times we spend criticizing others or saying and listing the things that other people should do to make the world a better place ... but first we must look at us ; them. That that the world will change and everyone is happy and all that stuff sounds very utopian, and I doubt that is achieved from one day to another. But while, from our places, do you need to be changed by little things ... with small enough action! and if we all offer the same, I'm sure that by little the world is going to become a better place for everyone:)
Yes, it is a utopia. But worth a try ... begin by changing ourselves and that somehow or other, was reflected in everything else:)

course, say it is one thing and start doing other different veeeeery . But enough to propose ... is not easy, but the end is worth it:)

Happy Friday to all! :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Scorpion Men Dissappear

Music (4) Friday

Hello world!
For if, absent a few days I have ... but I assure you I had them well-deserved! xD A long weekend with my friends, was the best thing that could happen! down anymore because no matter what you are, or have concerns .. when you stand beside those people who can make you forget everything or, better yet, make you smile so easily ... is impossible not to have a good time.

so my weekend was full of smiles, talks, confessions, and enough blankets loooooooong music. National Rock, despite not being too much of my liking, surrounded by a bunch of people in a late-night phone Maiga may sound soooo good xD.
wanted to choose a tion that represents those days ... and although I have a name in mind, I just absolutely refuse to put that song here. It would be too self-humiliation, which I am not a bear haha \u200b\u200b disfpuesta
So look for another ... One that has absolutely nothing to do with which he had in mind, but that was around in my mind these days:) and summarized in 3 simple words we see things when "those" people are with us.

Life is wonderful - Jason Mraz

It Takes a crane to build a crane
It takes two floors to make a story
It takes an egg to make a hen
It takes a hen to make an egg
There is no end to what I'm saying

It takes a thought to make a word
And it takes some words to make an action
It takes some work to make it work
It takes some good to make it hurt
It takes some bad for satisfaction

La la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Al la la la la

It takes a night to make it dawn
And it takes a day to make you yawn brother
And it takes some old to make you young
It takes some cold to know the sun
It takes the one to have the other

And it takes no time to fall in love
But it takes you years to know what love is
It takes some fears to make you trust
It takes those tears to make it rust
It takes the dust to have it polished

Ha la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is so full of
Ah la la la la la la life is so rough
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is our love
Ah la la la la la

It takes some silence to make sound
It takes a loss before you found it
And it takes a road to go nowhere
It takes a toll to make you care
It takes a hole to make a mountain

Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ha la la la la la life is wonderful
Ha la la la la la life is meaningful
Ha la la la la la life is wonderful
Ha la la la la life it is ... so ...
wonderful It is so Meaningful
It is so wonderful It is Meaningful
It is wonderful It is Meaningful
goes full circle Wonderful Meaningful
Full circle Wonderful

I heard by chance and I loved it ^ ^ I could make a deep analysis of the song, but no one would care .. Position yourself so you better headphones, close your eyes and have this in mind the phrase "Life Is Wonderful" . if not the melody, passion and the feeling that Jason puts ... but all attempts to convey the song through the words perfectly complements the melody.

I go to sleep before you continue saying stupid things ... I'd love to know how much of what I write makes any sense for someone besides my xD We read you soon! or I hope ...

Ah! by the way ... Soy Feliz! = D
and said AM .. not just a mood ... is a reality .. AM HAPPY:)

Friday, August 13, 2010

What Does Masterbation Look Like?

Phrases (3)

An update somewhat fast, but very significant ..

"A guy and A Girl Can Be just friends, But at one point or Another, They Will Fail 'for each other ... Maybe Temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late, or maybe forever "
Dave Matthews Band .-

"A boy and a girl can be just friends but at one time or other, fall for one another ... Perhaps temporarily, perhaps at the wrong time, maybe too late or maybe forever "

story I saw this phrase is: "Soooooo true !!!". I'm not one to believe that love between man and woman does not exist ... but rather I am one to think that everything can happen, even fall in love you know that boy from ... Always? ...
Ok, not my case .. but I can not deny that this entry does not have anything to do with me and TODAY. But at least for now, that and keep the details to me for me, and you imagine that anything goes .. Nor is it so difficult to deduce xD

I love them!! And I can assure you that the smile from ear to ear on my face that I have a few hours, it takes a looong time to fade ... or I hope so xD

Editorial: I just realized you put LOVE FRIENDSHIP instead . The phrase was "I am not of those who believe that friendship between man and woman does not exist." Sorry for the error uu I imagine that when they read have thought that made sense xD I must have been thinking! (Ok, not that hard to imagine but hey .. haha)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Boots Flavor Of Love Weave

Just Me: When I get depressed ...

Is not that happens suddenly, without any reason "apparent" is depressed?
are of the most happy talking and laughing, doing what they love, surrounded by friends or whatever, and suddenly, fall and lost ... as if moved to another dimension! And I do not mind the gossip you are counting, you do not like the music being played, and you do not care why they laugh. Just as you get "branded" and only think about bad things and everything goes black!

usually happen to me ... not every day, not too often but occasionally. For example, today. Everything was fine! I was really happy with my life and happy with where I was ... and suddenly I started thinking and the rest of the morning I withdrew into myself. Worse "apparently" going no reason! And apparently write quotes because this is not true. There is always a reason ... we do not want to discover which is or do not want to admit, it is a separate issue. But there's always a reason ...

I will not say which was mine, not even worth wasting a whole morning for something! But sometimes the stupid things affect you and there is nothing to do with it (actually, if there ... but then we do not see, or want to see it). so here I locked myself in my world for a few hours and ended "peleándome" with the person that ultimately gives birth to my days. Nor was a fight! But we ignore all the morning, partly in and partly Fuck no, then I started with my questions and complaints ... Things between us had ever! Having a friend like to turn to one of the best things that could happen this year ... so here why ruin it?

But I know enough, and after a couple of hours to be depressed and wanting to crawl under my sheets to mourn, I decided it was best to leave. somehow Asique q told me apologize, I was not well and did not know what had happened. The latter was exaggerated, because in reality nothing had happened! But in times like these, at least I, tend to enlarge all ...
Asique stop chatting with him and did lo que nunca me falla en estos momentos… Cada vez que me siento o deprimida, o cansada, o histérica, o bajoneada o incluso hasta enferma, solo hay tres cosas que eliminan de mi todos esos males…

Primero: Leer. Si, puede que suene raro… aunque estoy segura que muchos aquí me comprenderán, pero así y sienta que la cabeza está por explotarme, tomo alguno de mis libros preferidos o el que este en curso de lectura y me leo un par de capítulos. NUNCA FALLA (a menos que el libro sea muuuuy malo =P). Hoy me quede pensando un poco más en ESA razón que me había deprimido, sosteniendo Amanecer.. Ya me faltan un par de capítulos para terminar de re-re-releerlo y la escena de la batalla final me distrajo por completo. Incluso dejé escapar unas lagrimas con las despedidas y eso que ya conozco el resultado final de ante mano! (Hago un paréntesis para preguntarles algo que de verdad me intriga: ¿Cómo puede ser que siendo la 4º vez que leo el mismo libro, aún llore en las partes emocionantes? Y no es sólo Amanecer… hace poco volví a leer The Host y la vista se me nublo llegando al last chapter, although ALSO know how things end ... Is that possible? What these words, our emotions the same scenes over and over again?. . Anyway, I'll do an entry about it ... Let's keep that brings us here today = P)
Exactly as I expected, everything I was concerned did not care, but for sure ...

Second: Stay half hour under the hot shower. That also fails ... so here I closed the book and stayed low water for a while. To be effective, must be hot. And when I say "hot" I mean hot, hot seriously! If not, rather than something relaxing becomes torture = P Asique with it already ... I was all the time you finish getting dressed and had a smile from ear to ear and I was wondering why he acted that way for nothing so stupid !

Today, with those two things rough ... but sometimes turn to my third secret weapon = P

Third sleep. You know what they say about sleeping on it ... but to me a couple of hours a nap is enough. Sometimes I put on my headphones, some quiet music on my phone and let it all " flow." And it works! I wake up with the best humor in the world and had a headache if I miss, if he was worried about something I stop and I start to think of a solution, if insurance was depressed find something to smile about.

Those three things for me are like "magic" . Not that they all work, but in my case there is no better medicine. Not necessarily in that order, or all three together ... but they work. For some, eating chocolate helps others out and take a walk (ah! also turn to it from time to time ... but only where you feel your brain is so full of stuff, so overloaded with thoughts and concerns that even appears to be no physical place to stay and try to expand ... Not easy to explain, but you feel like battling your Hannibal-style head, and put your brain in cold water! Like when in the summer want to refresh your face or neck under a faucet ... Well, it's the best explanation ... but when that happens to me I walk along the waterfront, watch the river for a while and I see people go and an hour later when I go home, my brain and got his "soaked" but instead of water was a good deal of fresh air ...) but I what I work are those three things.

Sure you have yours, and is good to know what and when you're in one of those days, as you no longer have desire to be head down and return to your life happy (because sometimes it is us who want to be sad ..), use one of your methods and. TA-CHAN! Problem solved:)

Anyway ... Where did an entry so long? Neither I think so ... But as always, surely only need to download ...:) To stay calm, now I'm the best! Ready to continue my streak of good days ...

I love them! And, as always, thanks for listening read me ...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Where To Watch Bait Bus For Free

Roportandome ... Wednesday

'm so fucking happy! = D
Life is wonderful - Jason Mraz
Just Listen - Sarah Dessen
Sutter Island.

What disappeared without trace for 10 days?

know ... Not that I want, but the responsibilities have become (Goodbay Holidays! Uu) a few weeks ago and I do not have the whole world tiemo ... Still, as I always say, not be an excuse why you should make me a while to my blog ...
But repentance and regret is useless, better go to the facts = D

What has become of me from last time?

First, as I said, I went back to school .... It was not as bad as I thought, although now in less than two weeks return all tests and it's not something I'm happy too ... But I missed my friends, lunches, some profs and even routine .. (yes, it sounds odd .. but I was bored a little sleep until all hours and do nothing ..)

Second ... Finally solved that problem with all that came from to time .. . Who says you need a boyfriend to be happy? It was not easy, but the best. Today everything in my life is perfect. Thanks to all for the support ^ ^

Third ... I create a Tumblr! Yes, I am of those that I see, I ... and saw the Tumblr Clau that fascinated me so much that the next day I think one xD It's kind of blog, but I use it only for the odd image or phrase or that sort of thing I like both at the same time identify me. Although they are all things I find on other tumblr .. if you want to go ... :)

If anyone has an account, let me know and I:) I'm just discovering how to use, but and I spend several hours xD day there browsing

Finally ... I started a photography course! = D
Just go for my first of class ... but as you know, taking pictures is one of my passions! This never meant to do well hehe. So now I teach a couple of things to see if he ever managed to get one of those artistic photos that I love ♥ ...

Anyway ... could make entries and entries telling me everything that happened, but I do not want to bore you! xD and secondly begin to fear that someone "known" uu find my blog you imagine? Chau secrets, privacy Chau, Cchau to this part of my world that nobody knows! O_O lol I hope it does not happen

I leave a picture of me ... Not that this is my best shot, but I have my camera and has something to do with photography = P

PS: I almost forgot! I returned type = D were many things that inspired me, not that you have written something great so far but .. and have to start somewhere:) I do not remember to stop writing, but it feels so good to do it again ... Maybe some day I show you something .. Just maybe. Because with so many talented people floating around the blogosphere until I'm ashamed! uu not, pasense Blog by April
xD PD2: Now I regret having placed my picture but .. bahh it goes! hehe