Saturday, April 23, 2011

Yamaha Phazer Carborator

is interesting to see as kids growing up, dinner conversations are deeper. And each from their own perspective and weighing those elements most relevant to your personality approximates the findings differently.

In those conversations, adults, using our knowledge and experience try to make them think and to discover those factors that may not be visible, and can hide a good thing as bad and vice versa.

And of course in my talks with them, try to sow the seeds so they can discern for themselves, and not accept without analyzing such odd ideas going around the world. In their lives intersect with many more to correct misconceptions. Question and discern are essential weapons to reach a happy ending, and not be derailed halfway without even realizing it.

the other day because of something that came out in the news, we talked a lot of issues of justice, inequality, etc. And with this kind of talk is inevitable to go through the concept of "Social Justice ".

Social Justice is certainly a valid concept and applied it has a fundamental role in societies with high inequality. But it is a misnomer. Social justice has nothing to do with the concept of Justice, and misunderstood and misapplied can become very serious injustice, plus to produce other negative effects.

Social Justice is the pursuit of economic equality, while pure justice is meritorious, meaning everyone should get what he deserves. Social Justice has a lot of economic strategy when used to represent a vision, and has a lot of compassion and solidarity when it is applied without genuine development, in the latter case the relationship with the judiciary in formal terms is almost nonexistent.

certainly all people are equal and are born and have the same rights. This is absolutely critical, it is called equal rights, but exactly the opposite of "right to equality", since when the latter prevails, the individual loses all rights, including the right to freedom. When equality is forced, freedom is destroyed (see communist countries)

justice solidarity Mix, mix equal rights and equal opportunity, mixed development with redistribution is wrong to start from scratch. ;

And the other day, in a conversation about it, I told the kids the different versions of Aesop's fable, the grasshopper and the ant. And we talk like all extremes are bad.

Here are the classic, progressive (thanks Lucas), and progressive poetics (the blog Relinchos a Argentino Potro, by Nicholas )


The ant works all summer grips under a searing heat. Build
home and provisioning of food for winter.
The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and pass the summer, laughing, dancing and playing.
When winter comes, the ant turns to his home where he has everything he needs to spring.
The cicada, shivering, without food or shelter, freezes to death


An ant worked,
under the summer heat,
and without taking repose,
accumulated litter.

Heat broke his back,
and the load was heavy, but
was used,
to blunt stress your body.

At last summer ended,
and winter approached,
hell was over,
but had not been in vain.

When winter frost,
came to touch his door,
one thing would be true ...
was going to find warm!

One particular night,
ant heard a sound,
looked more like a whimper,
the sad violin of a minstrel.

When asked who he was,
musical voice of revelry,
said, "The cicada ...
it is cold out here!"

"What are you looking for these hours?"
- said the angry ant -
"You do not see why I'm so tired,
working life!"

"The weather is cool and I have hunger,
and I will not survive,
come to seek shelter,
before the coming of a cramp."

"Te la spent singing,
with that damn violin,
while I was well cooked."
- said the ant screaming -

The cicada determined,
and making big fuss,
croton did not want life,
give and demanded food.

is coupled with a bar, he did
street life,
and put together a true band
poor cicadas.

And they went to protest, announcing the
of his humble poor multitude,
and her unjust discomfort.

Bugs gave reason
the lazy violinists,
that opportunistic attitude,
stole their heart.

"injustice do not follow,
this a lot!
little gesture of charity, egoism

"We must invent new tax,
and pay the ants,
throw them some crumbs,
the poor as the rest."

One by one the ants fell
due to the enormous pressure
the problem continue.

so by next year,
and without any groans,
more loaded up,
in exhausting days.

many hours are struggling,
played and cicadas,
prank or helped,
in exhausting work!

At the end of the heats,
the carve-up is coming,
was no small trinket,
and there were many values.

When they saw the cicadas,
that the morphine was gratarola, armed
new uproar,
and well sharpened claws.

Now with a full belly,
ranch wanted to live,
and comfortably exist
without hunger or sorrow.

"We offer our food ... "
- ants complained -
" ... cicadas and robbed,
part of our livelihoods "

" That's discriminatory! "
- the other animals said,
while cicadas laughed in support
approving. -

And for a social order,
ants humiliated,
were now obliged to
care functions.

part of their food,
and a place in ant, should be separated
for the group of bandits.

community gaff,
bore quality,
now I had equality,
where you look at anyone.

And as they continued their march, each ant
wondered, why
who did not work,
zafaba the cold frost.

But it was both laburo,
accused every day,
that almost no thought,
in this so hard.

Do not be silly ant
maintain no cicadas,
because any living grabs,
what you get for free.

progressive version

The ant works all summer grips under a searing heat. Build
home and provisioning of food for winter.
The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and pass the summer, laughing, dancing and playing.
When winter comes, the ant turns to his home where he has everything he needs to spring.

The cicada, shivering, without food and shelter ... organizes a press conference in which he wondered why the ant has the right to housing and food, when there are other, less fortunate than herself, who are cold and hunger.
An official channel organized a live show in which the cricket out in the cold and calamities, and pass video extracts of the ant in your home rather warm and the table full of food. All

the world is surprised that a prosperous country like yours let the poor suffer cicada while there are others who live in abundance and the ant.

The sow and 20 piglets are manifested in front of the ant's house and tagging.

The official football reporter organizes a program that asks how the ant is enriched on the backs of the cicadas ... and urges the public to comment on their phone and online surveys, through a crafty question where you have to choose whether they favor equality or discrimination. (Such as 'selfish and insensitive ant').

In response to opinion polls, the government is preparing a economic parity law and another - with retroactive effect from the summer - against discrimination.

ant taxes are notoriously high, and last but not least, is assigned a high penalty because it did not take the grasshopper in the winter.

the ant's house is repossessed for non-payment of high taxes and a penalty ...

The ant, disappointed, packages and ends up going to another country, where his effort is recognized and can freely enjoy the fruits of their labor ... where he was not judge or punish him, if successful.

The ant's old house becomes a social hostel cicadas breed irresponsibly, and that waiting for someone to get to "donate to them" the choripanes, coca-cola, beer, and resources to survive with dignity they and their descendants.

The TV takes a special program on the cicada, however fat and sleek ... You are about to finish the last provisions of the ant but the spring is still distant.

The ant's old house, now converted into housing for cicadas, is impaired by lack of care of it.

government was harshly criticized by the scarcity of resources allocated to the cricket ... The parties propose a multi-party commission of inquiry, which cost 10 million pesos
the cicada dies of an overdose ...
The media report that is due to the lack of government at the time of struggle against social inequality and economic injustice ...

The house ends up being occupied by a gang of spiders ..
The government welcomes the multicultural diversity ...


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