Friday, November 5, 2010

100 Person Seating Chart Wedding


The plane ride back I wrote a full post on the death of Argentine boss. Come home I decided to delete it. Nothing was going to win by burying what is already buried. To close the topic enough to say that there is always an instance of justice that can not be bought, can not handle and can not be avoided. Better to spend the post to something more positive.


The year has been short on time perception and intense efforts. We really did many things and headed many ideas and projects. The forces were on the floor, feeling that we arrived in the New Year holiday. So I decided to escape for a week.

would be the first experiment to Patricia trying to see if your new small company working for a few days without her having to intervene. It was not very successful. During the holidays I lost many times you had to go to fix problems by telephone. But on balance we all returned tired but mentally refreshed.

So it was that we take an early plane and flew 2 hours to the north, looking for temperatures summer.
landed on the Australian Gold Coast,

where the lower rent something to move,

and rented an apartment on the beach.

After several days, as if we were 5 guys, we are dedicated to play in zoos, amusement parks and water parks.


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