Thursday, January 21, 2010

Existentialism Capitalize


all know that the depopulation of our rural areas (including neck) is the biggest problem we have, our people have suffered for many years a massive depopulation, their neighbors leave for the big cities to seek their future of life, some for lack of work, others because it appeals more to the big city to its people, others to experience new sensations of life, well ... by multiple causes. The doggedness of some is to value the rural, rural life we \u200b\u200bbelieve is the future of many families, we work and try to find those resources (employment, housing, services ...) that can make rural life sustainable and quality of life possible.
This is hard work and the results are very long term, there are many of us in this task (municipalities, GAL, associations, government, and private individuals). In the neck, the next few months will sort of start to share our lives with a new family, the family moved to his neck in February, where they will begin a new life plan, hopefully feel and in their village life and the pescozanos / as, we are for them their new family, I think it's fundamental attitude of the neighbors so that new residents are welcome. I hope that this is the beginning of a new dream, to see children running around our streets and to see the doors of their school wide.


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