a couple of weeks ago I was contacted by Radio del Plata, Buenos Aires, to make me a note.
Radio del Plata is a radio recently acquired by entrepreneurs who claim close to the government, and are certainly state vendors. This station is also involved in public controversies about the abolition of voices and removal of journalists (as Nelson Castro) that talk about government corruption.
was so I asked the producer: "Are you sure you want to do this working? My position is very critical of the government . "I said yes, if I handled within a style of restraint and respect. What pleasantly surprised me.
However, unlike of what happened other times with other radios, I had to answer some questions before the actual note. The more relevant question was how I saw Argentina (where I understood the question was how he saw the country run by the current government ). sniped with heavy artillery, obviously, and was ready to develop on the side of mismanagement monetary, economic disenfranchisement and mortgaging the future, albeit invisible to the eyes of the majority. I wanted to refer to technical and non-moral issues, although the country is strongly of the two.
Following that, I imagine, the real note never directly touched any similar theme, not too sensitive, and although I could have diverted to there without much difficulty, I decided to respect myself tone of the interview to respect the audience, which certainly was not interested in hearing the communication style that I hold in my own channel, and who reads me knows. The level of open-mindedness a person who reads the blog of an immigrant critic of the current avatars of their country of origin is not the same as someone who thrives on arguably half goal.
So within those parameters, which quietly settled between the two sides, said she had to say, within the questions presented.
There was a bit of propaganda on one side and a bit of stick from the other, but all in a cordial atmosphere :-)
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