Stirring between old photos I found the timing of our trip: Newlyweds
in 91 travel to Iguazu - Argentina. Before that our residence was in Mar del silver, but would return to set base here in Buenos Aires city until the time of emigrate to Australia.
We took 2 years to make our first road trip Gasoleros, and went to Colonia - Uruguay on 93.
But this year things have improved a bit and we escaped to Rio de Janeiro
This year, new job I had my first work trip. It was the desert of Mendoza - Argentina, an oil exploration field.
In 94, we went through Chajarí - Entre Rios, on the farm of his grandparents. Where carriers of my name, they stand for the first time in Argentina.
My first international trip was working at 94, Fairfield, Iowa - USA.
Our first big vacation was between my resignation from the job I had and the beginning of a lot better. And went to Cancun in 94.
That went to Puerto Vallarta ....
With the first stomach, 96, spent a summer time in Mar del Plata, in the old house.
Now with Mica, our first international departure was in the 97 to Isla Margarita - Venezuela.
That continued Puerto La Cruz - Venezuela.
And the first camping trip with Michelle was in the same year, 97, Villa Paranacito, Entre Rios - Argentina.
Again, between quits a job and start on a much better, in 97, we went shopping and beach in Miami Beach.
With more and more serious work, business trips come increasingly serious. In this case went to Las Vegas, 97.
In the summer of 98, traveled Neuquén - Argentina, and the entire lake area.
In one of the moments that would resonate with me the awesome power of the message of Freedom in its sights (when I was studying my Master in Economics), would visit Washington DC for work in 98.
also in 98 of our holidays we would spend longer in one place:. A fortnight in Santa Marta - Colombia.
That same year, I traveled to Cologne - Uruguay, to the practical test and get my diver's license.
Of course, the history of travel and family continued to grow. But that's another story.
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